Signs You May Need Mohs Surgery

Used to treat skin cancer, Mohs surgery is highly effective because it allows the surgeon to see exactly where cancer stops which enables them to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible. For more information and to learn if Mohs surgery is right for you, schedule a visit with Dr. Ivan Flint in Salt Lake City, UT to learn more. 

What is Mohs Surgery?

During Mohs surgery, a qualified dermatologist in Salt Lake City, UT will give you an injection of anesthesia that numbs the area being operated on but does not put you to sleep. During the procedure, the dermatologist will begin by making incisions near the visible skin cancer to prep it for removal. A thin layer of cells will be removed and taken to a microscope for review. If cancer is detected then another extremely thin layer of skin will be removed and reviewed. This process continues until all the cancerous skin cells have been removed. Once all the cancerous cells are removed, Dr. Flint will decide how to treat your wound with some requiring no stitches and others needing stitches or a skin graft. 

How to Know if You Need Mohs Surgery

If you have basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), sebaceous carcinoma, microcystic adrenal carcinoma (MAC), or melanoma then you are likely to be a strong candidate for Mohs surgery. Additionally, individuals that suffer from recurrent skin cancer may have success with Mohs because it completely eliminates all cancer cells. If you have cancer that impacts the bone or lymph nodes, Mohs surgery will not be effective because it is not accessible since it penetrates beyond the skin level. Other strong candidates include those with cancer that is fast-growing but detected early and cancer that has uneven borders. 

Being diagnosed with skin cancer is scary, but the good news is that it can be treated effectively with early diagnosis and proper care. At the practice of Dr. Ivan Flint in Salt Lake City, UT our patient-first commitment enables us to establish heartfelt connections with each person we see and enables us to offer treatment options that enable the best chance for remission. For more information, give us a call at 801-262-3600 to schedule an appointment. 

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